• Baume du Tigre / Tiger Balm

    Le fameux baume thailandais a base de camphre et autres herbes. Applique sur les muscles, il procure une sensation de chaleur "glaciale". Les thais l'utilise beaucoup pour les mots de tetes et les rhumes. Applique sous le nez, il decongestionne la voie nasale. Son odeur tres forte faisait aussi le meilleur ami des volontaires qui s'occupaient de ramasser les cadavres pendant le tsunami.

    The famous thai balm. Made with campher and other herbs it procures when applied to the muscles a nice sensation of "cold" heat. The thai peoples are using it very often for the headaches as well as to fight the cold. Applied under the nose, it helps to breath during a col. Its very strong smell made it the best friends of the volunteers who were working to carry the bodies after the tsunami.